A Brush with Art – Apache Wells Art Club (2023-2024)
The Apache Wells Art Club is a group of artists who enjoy learning and exploring their “artist within”. The Club’s mission is to offer classes, workshops and art experiences for the Apache Wells Art Club members. You are welcome to join at any time during the season.
The Art Club also offers beginning and topic specific art classes (drawing, watercolor, acrylic, oil). These are group lecture/demo classes with an opportunity for students to practice and learn drawing and painting techniques.
Open Studio
The Activities Building Art Room is available to Art Club members any time there is not a scheduled class. This is a time when Art Club members can bring their painting projects to the Art Room to work on. The Art Room is a wonderful studio space to work on your painting and to socialize with other artists.
The Art Club has several activities throughout the season that are planned by club members at the monthly meetings. Types of activities include: painting events, field trips to an Art Museum/Art Show or social potlucks.
Fund Raiser
The Art Club’s main fund raiser is a raffle of an original painting submitted by a club member. Our funds are used to fund the Art Show in March and support the Art Club activities, classes, workshops and purchase Art Room supplies. Art Club members sell tickets independently and at some of the community events during the months of February and March. The drawing for the raffle painting is held late Sunday afternoon at the Art Show.
Annual Art Show
The Art Club sponsors an annual Art Show, which is held the 3rd weekend of March. The Art Show provides members an opportunity to exhibit their paintings. The show is a juried exhibit and prizes are awarded in specified medium categories, Best of Show, and People’s Choice. The Art Show is a community event that members look forward to organizing for the enjoyment of the Apache Wells residents, guests, and neighbors.
Starting in November, Art Club meetings are held the last Thursday of the month at 1:00 PM in the Art Room. Yearly Dues are $10.00.
More Information
For more information about the AW Art Club, please call Lavina Bump, 406-431-1213.
Lavina Bump – 406-431-1213