Hiking is a perfect opportunity to walk, talk or reflect in the beauty surrounding us at Apache Wells. The Apache Wells Ramblers hiking group typically does somewhat strenuous hikes based on distance. The routes are usually 5+ miles in length. At times there is an option for part of the group to take a shorter, less strenuous route.
Members are emailed a schedule at the beginning of the season and weekly prior to each hike with an attached map of the intended hike. There is a monthly article in the Roundup with the next two hikes along with contact information.
The AW Ramblers welcome hikers from other 55+ communities and Apache Wells guests to join in the hikes. Hikes leave from the Activity Complex parking lot, straight West from the gazebo near 56th Street at 7:15am for a 7:30 departure time.
John Gibbs – 701-361-9162
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