The bicycle club meets every Monday morning at the gazebo. Arrive before 8:45 with a departure time of 9 am. Ride time is approximately an hour, generally covering a little over eight miles. The route is covered at a leisurely pace and does not venture outside the footprint of Apache Wells.
A volunteer begins setting up for the ride at around 8 am making coffee and setting up tables. Anyone wishing to participate in setting up is welcome.
Each weekly ride is led by a rotating club member. Our main purpose is exercising along with socializing after the ride, with coffee and donuts at the gazebo for a $1 donation.
During the ride some riders act as “crossing guards” at the busy streets in Apache Wells to safeguard against an accident.
The bicycle club hosts a caroling party approximately two weeks before Christmas to sing to individuals who have a difficult time getting around in the community. A Spring farewell potluck is held at the Gazebo in mid-March for all members.
Larry Olson – 612-750-0976
Dave Rosales – 248-312-9727