Git’er Done Peicemakers

In keeping with being a Piecemaker, we often participate in making a mystery quilt, even we won’t know the outcome until the end.

We try to offer a few classes each year on various topics, and some other projects may pop up. We will continue to work on charity projects, like knit baby hats.

For new quilters wanting to check us out, we meet every Monday at 9 am in the Quilter’s room.

Hummingbird Quilters

Each year we provide dozens of quilts for kids with cancer to Banner Children’s.

Besides our business meeting the 1st Friday of the month, we meet for sewing and fellowship on Tuesday afternoons from 1 to 3 pm and Friday mornings from 9 am to 12 noon. Our annual dues are $10.00.

Whether your quilts are big or small, easy, or complicated, you’re sure to find inspiration and friendship.  We welcome new members any time.  If you love color, fabric, and sewing, come join us.

Also, be sure to check out the annual quilt show. Information will be posted in the Round Up Newsletter.


Git’er Done Piecemakers

Nola Roitch – 480-616-7482

Julie Kranz – 218-780-4088


Willie Vogt – 720-261-2413

Linda Swonder – 812-344-4088